
Street Cup Stacking

7/28/11- Just to clarify, this was filmed with a cell phone and posted directly to YouTube. No Editing of any kind was done to this video. You can tell by the pixels.

Anesthetic Hooning

Someone get this guy into a racecar!
During my wisdom teeth removal, I must have been dreaming of hooning a car. This was recorded Spring Break of 2010 I believe. I don't remember anything from the surgery but I have been told I did this for the entire time I was under. Heavy anesthetics were used.

We bought EVERYTHING in a store.

We learned that Hercules was about to lose his lease and go out of business. So we took out $20,000 in credit card cash advances, walked into his store unannounced and bought every single item. You could say it brightened up his day!

Birds don't give a fuck - wii bird

Bird holding on to the cars windshield wiper


Skateboarder slams to the curb

five broken lumbar in his back

The Greatest Amateur Rap Ever

OK Go + Pilobolus - All Is Not Lost - Official Video

Directed by OK Go, Pilobolus and Trish Sie
Produced by Shirley Moyers
Director of Photography: Yon Thomas
Edited by Paula Salhany

Mickelson Backflip golf shot

Backflip golf shot

Most Embarrasing Moments: #11 (Rose Porteous v Mike Munro)

This is what Rose Porteous does when she is accused on live TV. From 20 to 1 in 2006 from A Current Affair in 2002.
This video is only for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe the copyright.

Armed robber just doesn't see it coming...

A hooded armed robber attempts to rob a Mexican-owned store in Grand Rapids, MI. His threatening the female cashier is too much for the owner Miguel Perez, who takes matters into his own hands...

Rope swing faceplant by chubby bikinigirl

Made a rope swing on a hot day to jump into the lake with. A few people tried it earlier before I had my camera and they were getting some air and sweet jumps... Nikita didn't do as well.

Crazy Orange County Police Pursuit

Crazy OC pursuit.

Baby gets a fright

Father scares baby changing voice.


Grand prize winner of the Philips Parallel Lines 'Tell It Your Way' international competition!
German Boy - Trevor Teichmann
Jewish Girl - Fiona Perry
Older Man - Bruce Schroffel
Older Woman - Rita Zohar

God Is A 12 Year Old Boy With Aspergers.wmv

Eugene Mirman on John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show
No one can tell a story like Eugene Mirman - especially a story called "God is a 12 Year Old Boy with Aspergers". It's as good as it sounds.

Headis Cup Goettingen II 2009

Edit of what went down in Goettingen!

Planking During Hollywood Riot!

Planking During Hollywood Riot

A dip in icecold water

Bad i is vatten.

Hero Turtle Rescues Upside Down Turtle

ليت بعضنا سلحفاة

Baby Eating Chili to Dubstep

Omar Santana's daughter eating chili and listening to The Speaker Tweakerz'

Reactions of a Pacifist : El "Tano" Pasman.(English translation)

An angry fan rants as his team (RIVER PLATE) descends into the second category of argentinian footbal.

Amazing Bird Fishes Like A Human

This video has stunned scientists around the world as this bird thinks critically just like a human to catch fish. Give a fish a piece of bread and it will won't be hungry for a day but teach it to fish...well you get it.

Galeria Melissa ganha vida em animação feita com 350 mil folhas de Post-it®

This is a stop motion video using 350,000 post-it notes.

8-bit Assassin's Creed

Ever wondered what it would be like if Assassin's Creed II had been released more than two decades years earlier...?

How to Untangle Headphones Using a Cat

Here's a creative way to untangle those annoying mp3 headphones.

Monty Python Meets Star Wars

The Black Knight goes toe to toe with light sabers in this Star Wars mashup of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Just nipping to the shops for a milkshake

Turns out people and machines are going to become one much sooner than we think. This guy was just Just nipping to the shops for a milkshake.

British Driver Chases Hit And Run Driver Video

Commendable action on the part of the driver (and his passenger) for tracking down a callous woman who sped away after hitting a 75-year-old man. She denies everything but the camera tells all! The victim has recovered.

40+ People Mob Robs Convenience Store

40 youth walk into a corner shop and in just a matter of seconds they turn the place upside down. It would be a pretty scary situation for the shop keeper I assume.

Ruska dyskoteka w piaskownicy

Dance dance dance

Dog Stands Guard Like A Boss

Oslo - The bomb live recorded from a store

This is from 22/7 in oslo, the bomb strikes in a store... that guy was lucky he didnt die! It almost feels like an earthquake when the bomb blows! Footage taken in a store in Oslo. You can see the windows shatter and some merchandise fly around.

Fat ass woman yells at skaters

Russian SWAT Team Training - neutralizing a bus that has been taken hostage

Awesome video of the Russian SWAT team training maneuvers. Gotta love blowing that bus up.

Red Bull helicopter does 5 barrel rolls IN A ROW

Chuck Aaron, Red Bull aerobatic heli pilot and badass-in-general, completes five back-to-back barrel rolls.
There aren't any other helicopters or pilots that do this.

Guardian Sibling FAIL

Payback is always served with a fast and hard blow to the face.

Stupid BMW Driver Causes Bad Highway Accident!

A BMW goes airborne after clipping the car in front of him but still manages to escape the huge highway accident he creates.

Pike eats baby duck- Fairbanks, AK

A family of ducks is just trying to swimg in a lake on a hot day when suddendly someone comes along and does ... well. You'll see

GoPro HD: Skateboard Big Air with Andy Mac - X Games 16

X Games Seventeen is finally here! Join GoPro sponsored athlete Andy Mac during a practice run from last year's event, and be sure to tune in to X Games 17 on ESPN starting today!

Best prayer EVER! Pastor Joe Nelms - Nascar Nationwide - Nashville, TN

Pre-race prayer at the Nascar Nationwide series race in Nashville TN July 23, 2011
Wow, even prayers are company sponsored now.

Coca-Cola POP cooler at Copenhagen Airport

Coca-Cola POP cooler installed in 7-11 / Copenhagen Airport

A fiery car crash in a toll station

An overloaded truck with 20 tons heated asphalt hit the downslope toll station in Tsinghai, China. 4 lives in the first car were lost in the accident.

Crazy Jamaican woman in CVS

Drugged up Jamaican woman in CVS preaching about god and satan.
She seems to need to take the 'satan' out of everyone. I like show the shopkeeper really doesn't know how to handle it.

You Cannot Repair a Laptop this way

Here's my son's HP Pavillion DV9000 laptop. it was glitchy ever since we bought it and tech support just kept blowing us off.

Kitty Get's Himself Stuck in a Kettle!

Our Kitty got stuck in the Kettle (Water Boiler). NERO is just a crazy cat ,... I couldn't help it, I had to film it,

Pigeon Can't Fully Understand The Escalator! Hilarity Ensues!

This bird is cleverly avoiding paying for gym membership by using the escalator as a treadmill.

Indian boy limbo skate under four cars

PPXE insane train surfing Stockholm

PPXE surfing the roof of a subway car and jumps down into the cold waters beneath

Weird Giant Insects crawling up arm HUGE!!

Giant bugs crawling up a guys arm, locked on with razor sharp hooks with giant spikes that could stab him at any moment

Logan Morrison attacked by a Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis Attacks a Baseball Player and Causes Him to Freak.
Logan Morrison of the Florida Marlins attacked by a Praying Mantis in Nationals Park

Pontiac Grand Prix on McDonalds Trays

What Happens When You Put McDonalds Trays Under a FWD Car?
These bright (and possibly dumb) guys back their front-wheel drive car onto McDonalds trays and skid around the parking lot.

The Most Innovative Way to Catch a Football Ever!

Andrew Walker Mark of the Year HQ - 2011 AFL Round 18 Essendon v Carlton
I don't know what Australian Football is but this guy sure makes me smile when he props his knees up on the back of an opponent to get that extra height. Guarantee we'll never see that in American Football!

Probably the Largest Underwater Explosion You'll Ever See!

Drifting like a baus!

General Lee Drift

Epic Blooper Behind News Anchor

A production assistant walks thru a live news broadcast then runs offscreen.

Laughing Baby Cant Help But Fall Asleep (SUPER CUTE)

Laughing Baby Fail

Microwave Ivory Soap - Cool Science Experiment

Steve Spangler discovers the microwave oven is not just for warming leftovers. Grab a bar of fresh Ivory soap and gather your friends around the microwave oven. Sure, you could do it at your home, but save this great trick for the break room or the staff cafeteria. In under two minutes, you'll have the best soap soufflé you've ever seen.

Dog jump fail

Rapping Flight Attendant from Southwest Airlines

Saw this and thought it was awesome!
Instead of another boring and monotonous flight announcement, David Holmes, a Southwest Airlines attendant makes flying a lot more interesting!

Little Drummer and Dad

This video was taken just outside of Wrigley Field after a Chicago Cubs game.

Cat vs snake

A cat fights with a snake!

Skater FAIL or WIN ?

Best soccer goal ever (indoor)

Cute Baby - Double Swing - FAIL

Neon party! - MUNDO NEÓN

Man Gets Stuck In Storm Drain

Man spends about 40 minutes stuck in the storm drain.

Kids Playing with Baby Tornado

Not all whirlwinds are dangerous. Some can be quite fun.
Also known as Hay Devils

Monster Energy's ADAM KUN - Monster Whip 2011

Adam Kun - 2011 - The Monster whip
Adam landed the first time ever in BMX the upsidedown tailwhip in Nyíregyháza, and named it as "Monster whip".
Follow Adam on Twitter:
Music: Másfél - Perpetum Stabile - from the album: Angel's Egg
Filmed 2011 04 04 Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Sevisual - HT2011

Cone-ing Community FAILS (OfficialCone-ing)

workers strike back

Raging Bull Charges the Audience but Crowd Fights Back!

40 people were injured in northern Spain on Wednesday when a raging bull jumped into the packed grandstands of a bullring and ran amok. The terrifying incident happened in Tafalla, in the northern region of Navarra, and occurred when the animal leapt over the fence and climbed up the stairs of the stands knocking over people, including young children.

This Guy Puts All Other Chai Baristas To Shame!

Chatuchak Market, Bangkok. A tea vendor shows a group of tourists how he has fun while making the sweat warm drink. Awesome showcase of a Pattani man doing teh tarik in the middle of Chatuchak Market.

Monkey Shoots Ak-47 At Crowd

These idiots gave a pet chimp, a AK-47...The chimp learned how to use it, very quick! The moral of this footage is...Monkey see! monkey do!

Fat kid epic fail with his bike

a fat kid fails trying to do a wealy or some with his bmx

The Splendiferous Barfing Cup

a result of ultimate boredom

An otter plays with a rock

Watch out for James' "hilarious" otter jokes. Apologies about the shoddy camera work - my video camera won't allow me to zoom in and out and the stabilization is useless.

Zipline Wedding Crash

Bride and groom ride a zipline into their reception. Problem is groom gets ahead of steam and rams into the bride and eats it. No worries, he walks it off like it was all part of the plan!

Arabs throwing around baby

شباب يلعبون بالطفل

Fletcher automated Capstan Table

yo dawg, I heard you like tables

Balotelli failed trick shot - Mancini takes him out

Balotelli failed trick shot and fight with Mancini after he got subbed

Biker Eats Asphalt In Front of Cop

World's Coolest Garage?

I would love to have one of store my '94 Corolla in.

Waterfalls flow upwards in extreme winds

Winds battering southern Australia over the last 24 hours have been so strong that spray from waterfalls south of Sydney has billowed up into the air.
Nearly a month's worth of rain has fallen on the city in 24 hours, and wind speeds have reached 120km/h.
The extreme weather has meant a rough ride on the city's ferries, and a high surf warning has been issued with waves expected to reach 5m

FAMILY GUY - Comic-Con 2011 Trailer

All-new episodes of FAMILY GUY return this fall to FOX!

Paintball gun street art

When Paintballing meets Street Art the end result can only be amazing! These Paintballing legends turn the graffiti world on its head using their paintball guns to create awesome street art images.
Inspired by Mountain Dew these street artists carve rolling vistas of colour with their paintball guns in a space, and a world usually reserved for Graffiti Kings

JULIAN SMITH - Techno Jeep

The sounds in this video are ACTUAL sounds from the Jeep. Everyone began rehearsing their parts 2 weeks before we shot the video. It took us 7 hours of filming to get a solid take.

Publix Manager Tries To Stay Lowkey Harassing 2 Young Teens!

It's crazy how brazenly obvious this Publix manager is about watching these two guys as they go through the store. At one point he turns a corner and then looks at the shelves and doesn't touch anything!

Two Guys Jump Out of an Airplane ... AND INTO ANOTHER

Plane to Plane Skydive!
Like some sote of audition for Point Break (1991), these guys take it too the limits and do the impossible. Skydivers Jump and Climb Back in Airplane

Guy Shows Off Hi One-of-a-Kind Phonograph ... and then He Breaks It!

Tech Tv guy breaks one of a kind item!
Nervous guest breaks item he is discussing.

Ian McKellen - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Baby elephant sneezes and scares himself.

Baby elephant sneezes and scares himself.

Boat jumps and dives into the water in over 60 knots!

Boat jumps and dives into the water in over 60 knots!
A tiny bump drives this jetboat off course, and then down into the water - it all goes down so fast!

Brutus - One-legged Jumping Croc

Short video of Brutus the jumping croc in the Adelaide River, NT ... Awesome display! He is a huge croc, even bigger when you are sitting one meter from him! Shot on board the Billabong Eco Tours boat ... Best operator, best tour, best boat, best guide. If you are holidaying in the NT, then dont miss it!

Chihuahua Chases Off Robbers - Raw Video

Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies have released a video of a barking Chihuahua chasing off robbers at the Ace Smoke Shop in Altadena.
not the highest quality video (as it was taken from a store surveillance camera). These two dudes try to rob a store, but get chased out by a chihuahua before they can get anything.

HOWARD STERN: Lady Gaga's solo piano performance of "The Edge Of Glory" ...

Lady Gaga's exclusive live performance of "The Edge Of Glory" on the Howard Stern Show. The entire interview can now be seen exclusively on Howard TV On Demand. Go to for more info about Howard TV

Glock 17 Explosive Ammo!

World's only actual turbine powered Batmobile!

This is the only Bat car created that makes fiction reality. It is powered by a military spec turboshaft engine driving the rear wheels through a semi automatic gearbox. It features a custom tube frame/monocoque chassis with fully independant suspension, disc brakes, and a sequential shifter. It runs on kerosene, diesel, or Jet fuel and has a power to weight ratio comparable to a Dodge Viper. The car is registered and insured for the road in the United States. Built in 2011 by Casey Putsch. Casey Putsch has the Putsch Racing facility.

Biscuit the Climbing Dog


India Pizza Hut

A normal day at the agra pizza hut.

Small Plane Lands on Fla. Road - Raw Video

Cameras inside a home-built plane's cockpit and another near the engine capture the moment that a small plane's engine failed and the pilots were forced to make an emergency landing in a residential street.

Super Mario 64 120 star Speedrun 1:49:06 (1:48:06 in SDA timing) by Sigl...

Super Mario 64 120 star Speedrun 1:49:06

Vin Diesel on Helium

Vin Diesel on Helium - Friday Night with Jonathan Ross - BBC One.

$1900 camera + RC helicopter

Mikey Luplow Vs. The Heli Cam
Mutiny Bikes Mikey Luplow has a Skatepark session in Austin, TX while a RC helicopter films him.

FIFA: U.S. Crowd Reaction to a Goal

So, I was watching the FIFA World Cup when...

Shaun White on CNN - I'm Talking About Mountain Dews Baby

Hilarous clip of Shaun White on CNN. Nice Save.

ShoeZeum Guided Tour: 2,000 Nike Pairs in 11 Minutes

Check out this guided tour of the ShoeZeum, a truly spectacular amalgamation of possibly every important, limited-edition and vintage Nike sneaker ever created. Organized by theme (be it “Holidays,” “The San Diego Zoo,” “Snack Bar” and more), the ShoeZeum displays what can only be described as any Hypebeast’s dream come true.

Talented parkour kid

what a amazing kid...

WSU Veterinarians replace tortoise leg with a wheel

A 12-year-old, African spur-thighed tortoise recently had its left front leg amputated at Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine and is doing just fine with a swiveling wheel attached to his shell.

How Long Does It Take for Coke to Go Flat ?

Unscientific Office Science

Blob Jump Official Guinness World Record

World Record Blob Jump, 24.6.11 Cham, Switzerland, 17 Metres (Guinness Approved). Guiness World Record Blob Jumps. Highest Blob Jump ever.

Slingshot Fail

Reminds of Call of Duty how the soldiers fall over when they die.

Epic burnout fail

Bird trolls Cat. Cat just doesn't give a fu#k

This is how you deal with trolls:)
"not a single fuck was given that day"

Fail like a boss - longboard slam

fear wouldnt assist him... and now.....he will fall

Trolling kid - Double Life


Ninja Dismounts Motorcycle

Motorcyclist T-Bones a Truck, is Thrown Flying, Uninjured!

Deer Stuck in a Swing Isn't Having Fun But Who Could Tell?!

This deer got himself stuck in a swing from a terr and keeps running away from it and being lifted off the ground.

Jet ski backflip Lake Bella Vista

backflip on lake bella vista

Drifting Man Floats Through a Time Lapse!

I made a 24/h time-lapse video outside of my balcony on 5th and Spring in Downtown LA. I noticed a peculiar man walking, err... drifting along the street as if the wind was blowing him and nothing else. It's 8 times the speed of normal time, so this video is about 5 minutes in real time.

How To Cross the Street in Vietnam Without Dying

This American living in Vietnam shows us exactly how difficult it is to cross the street in a country where there are more bikes than cars and more bikes than people!

Street Geyser Opens Up Under a Car and Sends it Flying!

Sewer geyser lifts a car!
Somewhere in Europe a pipeline bursts and explodes water all of the street. You can see the water bring pumped under a car and the force actually makes the car air-born!

Now This Guy Knows How To Make a Parking!

CCTV catches what must be a drunk driver flying over a guardrail and into a vacant parking spot, demolishing his Nissan 300ZX. The funny thing is that you can't even see where the road is he came flying up from!

Old Lady Gets Crazy When Ask To Leave Plane

This old lady believes she use to be a police officer, as well as she's still 23 years old.

Guy Learns About Biking Down Steep Hills The Hard Way!

Not for the squeamish! This guy tries to take a very steep hill on his bike without looking in both directions properly! I hope he was okay.

Planet of the Apes Party Fun Time (remix to Benny Benassi Presents the Biz)

Dear movie studio and Benny Benassi- this video is not intended for commercial use. It is simply a side project created for the fun of it. I like apes and monkeys, I like classic movies like this one, I like dance music, I like Benny Benassi, and I used to like glowsticks when I was 19

Motocross Pro Chad Reed Launched 50 Feet in the Air Off a Jump!

Footage of Chad Reed's spectacular crash on the opening lap of the second 450 Class moto at the Lucas Oil Motocross Championship's Spring Creek National in Millville, MN, on July 16. Reed had just assumed the lead, looking to take his fifth win of the season, before losing control of his bike and flying upwards of 50 feet through the air

Fight on Las Vegas Strip goes Awry When 4 Guys Get Jumped By 1 Guy!

Four guys start beating on a guy in the middle of a street. They pumble him and his chances look bleak until one of his buddies comes to the rescue and ultimately skewers the lot of attackers. Finally the original victim gets his revenge swiftly at the end!

The Greatest Penalty Shot Ever Kicked!

This player took a real chance here by kicking the ball backwards to distract the goalkeeper.

Planking fail in the kitchen

Kids. Don't Mix Drinking and Planking!
Don't most ovens have a lock on them? Don't most people have a common sense? These are both questions I would ask myself before doing what this girl attempts!

Guy Crashes Through Glass Window.....By Walking Into It!

Wow, I think this proves that old saying that when God closes a door he opens a window...

High FPS-fish - Butis butis (Crazy fish)

High speed video of Butis butis, the crazy fish, feeding upside down. Filmed at 100 frames per second, played back at 10 frames per second.

Fail, Fail, and More Fail Combined Videos

In Memoriam May 2011

Kung Fu Volleyball or Kung Fu Soccer?

This is what happens when you combine Kung Fu, Soccer and Volleyball!

Playing the Poopoozela FAIL

Two Women Fight for a Parking Spot

Two Women Fight for a Parking Spot ... Then Brilliance Happens!
whos getting out of the car!

Special Talent

This girl at a car show, shows off her special talents.

Who Knew Doing Body Shots Would Cause So Much Damage?

Body shot fail

kid doing doughnuts in Audi R8

Today I let My Kid Brother Do Doughnuts in My Audi R8!

Guy gets caught doing circle wheelies and runs from cops

Biker Gets Busted Doing Wheelies but Doesn't Stick Around To Accept the Ticket!
While at the 2009 Turkey Rod Run in Daytona, FL, a crazy guy (self proclaimed member of Adrenaline Crew) ran from the police after being caught doing wheelies on his motorcycle. Definitely do NOT recommend

Gainer into pool chair

This Guy Shows You How To Enjoy The Summer!
No matter how many fail videos surface of guys trying crazy flips into a pool this dude still goes for it! Here is a excellently executed gainer (front-facing) Backflip into an inflatable pool chair! Hat = tipped!

MEGA FAIL Northbound 05/27/2011

A Lesson on the Dangers of Speeding! It Might Break Your SUV!
it must have been a couple of crazy kids who decided to slam on the gas before driving over train tracks. It appears that they rendered the car immobile and broke the security alarm. Failroad tracks?

World's Most Aggressive and HUGE Spider ATTACKS

Giant, tarantula-sized spider that approached our house in the middle of the day. It attacked my shoe repeatedly, as shown in the video, and finally sunk its huge fangs into the rubber. Three hours later, it was still locked onto the shoe trying to kill it! This was in Malpais, Costa Rica

Girl Wrecks Hard On Bike Jump

Girl Attempts To Fly!
Rounded up the crew and headed off to the Alpine Bike Jump in Alpine, Utah. Luckily she is completely fine. Stay tuned for the full video from our trip.

Girl Runs into Moving Golf Cart Trying to Get a Glimpse of Real Madrid

Real Madrid's training camp at UCLA in Los Angeles was a hot spot. So hot that some girl runs flat into their golf cart motorcade just so she can get the attention of the team!

Dave Grohl - pissed because of a "fan" fight. uncensored. iTunes Festival

Crazy Kids Make a Snow Jump For Their Subaru

Subaru Joslin Jump
Brennan-Bob getting 68 feet in the suby!
These board kids made a big jump and drove their domestic rally car on it. I doubt anyone expected it would be launched so high. I also doubt the car ever drove again!

Two Kids Fight Like Adults! Cute as it is Interesting!

Watch these two kids have an argument about who said "no" first. The key to watching this is pretend they don't sound like Looney Toons characters and try not to think of them as three years old!

Worst Hunter vs. Dumbest Deer

He shoots and misses three times but the dumb deer never even flinches

Man Gets Pulled Over, Fights Cop, Steals Cop Car Then Crashes It

Not you're regular scenario (despite the ending being perfectly average). This brave guy gets pulled over and manages to steal the cop car. I don't know what he was planning on doing with it but the situation doesn't end well for him!

Earthquakes goalkeeper David Bingham's unbelievable goal vs. West Brom

Watch the Earthquakes goalkeeper David Bingham score a goal...from in his own box!

Motor Scooter + Pile of Dirt = Faceplant!

Motor Scooter Faceplant FAIL
This guy must be hurting hard after slamming his scooter into a loosely build pile of dirt which was supposed to act like a ramp.

Raccoon w/ chef boyardee can on it's head

It's odd to see a raccoon in the daylight but then I guess when your head is stuck in a can you can't tell the difference.

Madeon - Pop Culture (live mashup)

Anna Burden - You're Gonna Miss Me- Lulu and the Lampshades (Cover)

Crazy Marriage Proposal - Guy falls off building!!!

Guy falls off 4 stories off building proposing to fiancee-- his poor fiancee, Brooke practically had a heart attack.

For Your Consideration: "Slaughter Shack"

Trolling Saruman

Saruman makes one final attempt to weasel his way out of Orthanc.

lcgm8 Disc Golf - Scandinavian Open 2010 finals hole in one

Hole 9 102 meters Nikko Locastro. This is how we want to film a hole in one.

Kid dancing to Thriller at Safeco field (SWAG BRO SWAG)

This kid is just too fresh... thats all that can be said here. Also, the dudes screaming and stuff are not my friends haha and the swag bro swag... it was " in the momment" saying i hate the word swag but this kid for sure has it!

Hi Five with a cop!

Viva Vox Choir - Du hast (a cappella)

"Du hast" - Rammstein performed by Viva Vox Choir, Serbia, Belgrade, Zemun
A cappella live performance at DOB, May 2011.
Arr Boris Balunovic

Medal of Honor Cat

A cat wins the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the line of duty.

Painting on Water

Scary Footage of a Mountain Biker Falling Off a Cliff!

Biker loses balance and falls off edge of a cliff!

Sea Plan Attempts a Short Take Off and Crashes, Narrowly Missing the Cameraman!

de Havilland Beaver Plane Crash at Lake Hood
This is a video of the deHavilland beaver plane crash at Lake Hood in Anchorage AK, on June 7, 2009. My father and I were videotaping planes at Lake Hood taking off and landing when the wind kicked up and sent the Beaver taking off right at us.
The wing was less than 5 feet over our heads, and the radial engine was less than 8 feet to my left.

Video Coat is alive

The Video Coat is a 60" LED video display built onto a lab coat.

City Drag Race: Nissan GT-R Crash

This is a street cam from Moscow, Russia. Nissan GT-R tryed to take over other car from the right side, touched it, lost control and smashed through three parked cars. When he hit the first yellow car he already has one wheel ripped out because of earlier contact or road pit.

kitten vs TWO scary things

Car Jump FAIL - FailsOfficial

Flippin' awesome

bike roll

Turtle Eating Pigeon Alive

A real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in action!

dirt spineology

Matt collins, and Tyler Knoles and I shreded the spines of southern Utah on our mt bikes on oct 20th.

Price is Right Girls Smash a Flat Screen TV!

The Models on The Price Is Right break a TV.
"It's a new Plasma TV and a new XBOX System.......... A new XBOX System!"

Passenger punches cyclist

Man Gets Out of his Car to Punch a Cyclist!
Happened somewhere in the UK. I'm not sure of the back story or what happened in the end but some rough and tough guy jumps out of his car to punch a cyclist.

In to the Wild - FAIL

Penguin goes in to the wild

Amazing One-Man-Band Street Performer in Croatia (Cigo Man Band)

An amazing one-man-band street performer in Rijeka, Croatia called Cigo Man Band.

rcsuperhero vertical take off

This latest production version of the rcsuperhero that has the ability to launch like a rocket and has great flight characteristics. It has one powerful motor with 6 pounds of thrust and it only weighs 3 pounds.

Another Biker Tries to Do a Stunt and Fails by Crashing

Here is an example of someone who shouldn't be attempting to do a stunt like this.

Kemonito Kick - Pro Wrestler Uses Midget as a Cannonball

The infamous Kemonito drop kick.
Crazy Mexican pro wrestler sets up a midget and launches him into his opponent.

Baseball fan oogles female reporter on live TV

Boy oogles female reporter while she talks about Jose Bautista at MLB game Toronto Blue Jays vs Boston Red Sox

Girl Blows Up the Bathroom in a Brillaint Firecracker Shower Prank!

Sometimes plans can backfire. Sometimes that backfire can burn really bad
Great clip of a girl who is fed up with her step-brother always playing pranks on her. So she decides to light off a long string of firecrackers while he is taking a shower. The aftermath is crazy!

Giant rock skip discus throw thing.

Russia: How to workout like a boss.

Transformers 3 scene from The Island

Scenes from the movie Transformers 3 of the movie The Island-2005. Look!. Any Conclucion? - Escenas de la Película "Transformers 3" sacadas de la Película "La Isla" del 2005

The Appetizer Phillip Chbeeb

Phillip Chbeeb Serves up a few bite size pieces of different styles in this judge showcase he did in Canada.

How to tear down a building

The world's longest bridge has opened in China Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge

The Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is 35.4 km long. The total budget will be approximately 9.938 billion yuan (~US$1.5 billion). It is estimated that it will shorten travel time from Qingdao to the outlying region by more than half and relieve pressure on the existing Jiaozhou Bay Expressway.

Augmented Reality 3d Video on iPad with Kinect

One more 7000 FPS lady bug.

A Full year of Makeup - On one day - Lernert & Sander: Natural Beauty

Lernert & Sander's "Natural Beauty"
Dutch artists Lernert and Sander apply a year's worth of makeup on Belgian supermodel Hannelore Knuts. The point of the video wasn't to trash people for wearing make up. It was to inform people of how much make up is used in a year. They aren't idiots who don't know you wash your make up off, they're just showing that you use more than you think you do. I understand the use of make-up as an art

Cheeky directors Lernert & Sander embrace the urge for cosmetic overkill in their surreal short Natural Beauty. Makeup artist Ferry van der Nat and his assistant Vanessa Chan helped to execute the vision, slathering a host of Ellis Faas products on Belgian beauty Hannelore Knuts, who was recently named the new face of Swiss fashion house Akris. Lernert & Sander began collaborating in 2006; since then they've done everything from melt a chocolate bunny with a hairdryer to repurpose household appliances as sex toys in the name of video art. We asked the co-conspirators to break down the shoot in detail.

NYPD Fireworks Destruction Extravaganza

More than 5,000 pounds of fireworks were detonated in one big pile at the New York Police Department firing range in the Bronx on Friday, July 1, 2011.

Mathieu Bich Fooled Penn & Teller

Easily the funniest magic trick i've ever seen - penn and teller

Penguins up and down from Iceberg

Pelican Eats a Live Pidgin in a London Park!

A British Pelican Eats a Pigeon in a London park.
That duck is trying to tell the pelican; "That ain't right!"

Fireworks To Crotch: Happy 4th of July!

For some reason this kid experiments with an explosive and his testicles! Have you ever heard of the firework known as the 'Screamer'?

'The Matrix' Lobby Scene with A capella Multitrack - Matt Mulholland

CuteWinFail: Rocket Puppy

This hot dog can't help but get in on the action. See him grab a firework and run!

Our roving reporter visits Cirque Eloize in Boston and has a scary moment!

Vehicle somehow escapes car crash

little green cars are born when one bus impregnates another

Vehicle somehow escapes car crash

little green cars are born when one bus impregnates another

Fire Department rescues kitten with leaf blower

We had a small kitten that fell and got trapped in a small pipe at the fire station and we used a leaf blower to blow it out of the pipe from the other side of the building..... No kittens were harmed in the making of this video ....

Race Crash: Flying Motorcycle Takes Out Female Fan!

This dude loses his bike and slides down the street as his bike takes out a female fan. You may question his methods, but she did end up giving him her number... for insurance purposes, but still...

Super Fast Card Packaging

These Mirgant Chinese Workers Put Machines To Shame
Amazing how quickly these people can grab a full deck of cards from a piles of ten decks and build a box. I counted 3 decks every 10 seconds!

GO Squirrel GO!!! one lucky squirrel with a close call with a Lamborghin...

Squirrel Has a Close Call With a Speeding Lamborghini!

Cat playing the harp

Kleines süßes Kätzchen