
Destroyed in Seconds - Chaos

The catastrophic videos of Destroyed in Seconds


Check out my newest pen tapping video, it's way better than this one.

Babies Eating Lemons for the First Time

Remember your reaction to your first taste of lemon? These babies are all trying their very first lemon, and are wincing at its sourness, discovering very early that not all things in life are sweet.

Feel the rainbow! Man dumps glitter on Newt Gingrich in 'gay prank'

The US Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista were hit with glittery confetti by a protester during the couple's appearance at a book-signing in Minneapolis on Tuesday. The man approached the Gingriches during the signing at a downtown hotel. As Gingrich handed him a signed copy of the book, the protester dumped a cracker box full of confetti on the pair,

Cute Zombie Kitten Eats Brains

Happy Zombie Awareness Month!! Look out for zombie kittehs on the loose!

Boy walks away from car crash unharmed

Security guard beats up store thief - Phoenix Bail Bonds

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