
Self-Replicating Repairing Robots

Engineers at Cornell University have designed this odd-looking machine that can rebuild itself and also could perform repairs on itself.

Today Show Wii Fail

Here it cums.....

Popping Balloons

Created by Brazilian ad agency Loducca, more than 600 balloons were used to create this clever little 'book' that tells a story involving Slash and Ozzy Osbourne, among others. About 10 balloons were popped every second. Comercial da nova programação da MTV 2011

Snow Melt

Snowman melting, and unmelting

Russia in 15 seconds

Dystopia? If u are not agree wth it, start from yourself and try to change it.
This is a part of movie but look at it as at excursion to the conscience.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Man Struck By Lightning Twice (AMAZING)

man struck by lightning twice and lives

360 Flip Off Motorcycle ninja

Ninja hit by car

Whitest Kids U'Know: Jizzle

Jizzle, an amazing new product for your home, from The Whitest Kids U'Know season 5, episode 3.

Element 115 Deck - Cardistry (TheAplombMan contest 1st)

Credits: Dan and Dave... Ellusionist Kent... Brian Tudor... Jaspas... Naoki Ogi... Andhika... Scot and Sean

Dog trying to reach baby

Dog trying to reach baby

Nice car- stupid driver - drift in front of cop

Dont do this kind of thing in the street go to a parking lot, you could loose your car if your not smart.

The Five Stages of Death

Featuring a Giraffe

Magic Piano for iPhone [Buddy vs. Penny]

Magic Piano, for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, by Smule. FREE!

Baby Ducks Hypnotized By a Yo-Yo!

patitos yoyofactory(ducks)

"USA" Chant on NYC Subway FAIL

Attempted the first "post-Osama" day. Look, I'm fully aware of how stupid I look and sound. I obviously went about this the wrong way, though I still don't see anything wrong with a little community patriotism particularly on such a day. I'm not really the guy I sound like on the video, I guess I was over-enthused. Here's some irony: all the COMPLETE STRANGERS saying awful things to and about me would do better to listen to the timeless lyrics of Michael Jackson and look at the man in the mirror, cause you all sound like scumbag assholes to me. I'm sure you're not really, just sayin...

Bacardi & Cola

Pooling around - Commercial is perfect

The Janitor was right

Turns out the janitor was right about Osama Bin Laden...

Alligator attacks Police car

Alligator attacks Police car. Video courtesy of the Alachua Sheriff's Department

Hilarious Moment on Dr. Phil



Случай со сварщиком

Russian Guy Cuts an Enormous Metal Pipe He is Sitting On

Super Mario Bros Theme Song cover


Fans fresh from a midnight premiere of M. Night Shymalan's THE LAST AIRBENDER weigh in on the film's quality. As you can see, it appears Shymalan just didn't care.