
Skateboarding the World's Smallest Country: Red Bull All Access

Until now no outsiders has been granted free access to the worlds smallest nation, Sealand. Occupied in 1967 by Sir Roy Paddy Bates and became a constitutional principality, the platform is completely a legitimate nation boasting its own Sealand flag, Sealand national anthem, Sealand stamps and Sealand currency.

GAME BOY MUSIC (but not the kind you're thinking of)

My Strange Addiction- Couch Cushion Craving

LFL en México - hot babes playing football

Czech President Vaclav Klaus, stealing a pen in an official visit to Chile


Mission Impossible cats

Their mission? Being adoooowwwabble

It's not a train, not a bus, it's the Superbus HD

Elephant vs Croc

Pure Reverse Psychology

Si? no?

new jetlev flyer video

Super Sprayer

Creation of a distant world. You can order my paintings here or email me for a custom one

How to rip a phonebook in half

With this technique anyone can rip a phonebook in half.