
Russell Howard's Good News: Euronews royal wedding coverage and unintent...

The moral of the story in both cases: Think before you speak.
Original channel: BBC Three
Original transmission date: 2230 BST (approx.) - 5 May 2011
©Avalon Television Limited MMXI. All rights reserved. No copyright infringement is intended.

Car Loading Problem

Something went wrong with this bmw loading

Biggest drawing in the world

Making the biggest drawing in the world. Via GPS

Justin Bieber fans / Beliebers - attack Haters in Sweden 2011

Never tease with SWEDISH BELIEBERS!

Best Gaming Achievement Ever: Zelda OOT, Listening in 3D, inside the Dek...

all previous vids were 2d games, well here is a level from my favorite 3D game. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Inside the Deku Tree
I'm both happy for this man, and his innovation to play through the Deku tree.
But good lord, may the God's aid him during the water temple.

Me saving drunk girl from police, Eller?

Four police officers is coming to close to this girl. The assault was accidentally filmed and everybody lost their jobs. Eller?

Tim Knoll BMX (originally posted on Vimeo)

Epic water prank - Psycho broom girl

Pulling a prank on our classmate. Swedish girl goes crazy after getting her last cigarette wet... Winning!

Man turns his head 180 degrees no kidding Freaky

From LWT's "Tarrant on TV" c. 2006. 180 degrees in the title refers to navigation, where 0 degrees is straight ahead and 180 degrees is directly behind.

Best Man Sets Groom's Hair On Fire

All it took was a little fire to make this bachelor party awesome. The next day, I bet the bride's father refused to give her away after seeing the groom's head.

Dual Mix Dance Free Step

Their Mom should be so proud that she raised a boy willing to dance with his much younger brother.

Ozzy Osbourne scares people at wax museum VIDEO

Ozzy Osbourne pretends to be his own wax sculpture, and scares the shit out of people.

Epic bonfire fail/win? As seen on tv

Message from my girlfriend: "This video is of my uncle, and posted by my boyfriend. I just want to clarify, the burning of the Icelandic flag is symbolic for saying goodbye to my grandfather. He was a proud descendant of Icelandic immigrants, so when he died last month we burned the flag to "say goodbye" and to retire his flag. When you retire a flag in the U.S. you are supposed to burn it. We were following the tradition. The gas was just because of excessive rain making it hard to lite. We are not rednecks."

Old Man Falls Up Escalator Videou

Old Man Falls Up Escalator Video

Rat Brain Robot

This robot is controlled by the brain of a rat - making it the world's first cyborg rodent.

Chinese Human Automation = Epic Win

Chinese Human Automation = Epic Win

Knife Removed From Man's Head After 4 Years

A Chinese man who suffered headaches for four years was found to have a knife embedded in his skull. He says he didn't know it was there and previous medical examinations failed to discover it