
Paul Zerdin Ventriloquist at Comedy Rocks With Jason .Manford - FUNNY -

Really Funny Shit

Insane escape from tunnel accident

This motorcycle rider was so lucky! Watch how he makes it thought this huge mess.


A novel method of digital scratching is presented as an alternative to currently available digital hardware interfaces and time-coded vinyl (TCV). Similar to TCV, the proposed method leverages existing analog turntables as a physical interface to manipulate the playback of digital audio. To do so, however, an accelerometer/gyroscope--equipped smart phone is firmly attached to a modified record, placed on a turntable, and used to sense a performers movement, resulting in a wireless sensing-based scratching method

Squirrel, Child, Greyhound....Unexpected

Our newly adopted Greyhound, Ivy unexpectedly walked directly up to a squirrel (while leashed) and quick as lightning, killed it with a very humane shake. She dropped it, walked on, my husband behind her with his jaw dropped. Soon after, back at the house, our daughter had picked it up....with so much love......


From the lenticular cover that changes with the angle of your hands, all the way to the Z, ABC3D is as much a work of art as it is a pop-up book. Each of the 26 dimensional letters move and change before your eyes. C turns into D with a snap. M stands at attention. X becomes Y with a flick of the wrist. And then there's U... Boldly conceived and brilliantly executed with a striking black, red, and white palette, this is a book that readers and art lovers of all ages will treasure for years to come.

400 mph RC plane VIDEO


This is what happens when you try to snowboard in a park in Reno.
This is a real video.