Carjack FAIL
LAPD officers responded to a stolen vehicle call and followed the suspect for several minutes through busy rush hour streets. The suspect eventually jumped out of the moving vehicle and attempted to carjack a woman with a baby in the backseat.
Moab Base Jump Almost Disaster
Base jumper gets caught in his parachute, but amazingly recovers
Grand Canyon Base Jumper Gets Caught in his Parachute at the Last
[ORIGINAL VIDEO] Multitasking While Driving - And You Thought Texting Wa...
A guy is spotted driving on the freeway while reading a paper book, using an e-reader, AND talking on the phone -- AT THE SAME TIME!!!
girl shoots with the gun for the first time, get scared and run away
Girl shoots with the gun, get scared and run away. Really funny
Try not to laugh.
This dude is lucky to be alive after driving down this steep hill with his Jeep. As it slides down it flips and he gets thrown out without any scratches. Sure hope he played lotto.
Star 'em Young! Dad Lets 2 Year old Shoot Machine Gun
First Time Shooting a MiniGun/Gun (Long Version)
Dillion Aero provided a minigun chambered in 308 for the 2009 LaRue multigun match held in Waco Texas. After I shot the stage, the rep from Dillon Aero was kind enough to offer the once in a life time chance for my 3 year old son to shoot the minigun. He is standing on some ammo cans to reach the controls. This is 50 rounds. What was the first real gun you ever shot?
Gil Scott-Heron - The Bottle
Gil Scott – Heron , Godfather οf Hip-Hop Dead аt 62 Urban Network Celebrated аnԁ controversial poet, author аnԁ musician, Gil Scott – Heron passed away іn Nеw York City today, hе wаѕ 62. Heron's death wаѕ confirmed bу Jamie Byng via hіѕ twitter post