
Street Cup Stacking

7/28/11- Just to clarify, this was filmed with a cell phone and posted directly to YouTube. No Editing of any kind was done to this video. You can tell by the pixels.

Anesthetic Hooning

Someone get this guy into a racecar!
During my wisdom teeth removal, I must have been dreaming of hooning a car. This was recorded Spring Break of 2010 I believe. I don't remember anything from the surgery but I have been told I did this for the entire time I was under. Heavy anesthetics were used.

We bought EVERYTHING in a store.

We learned that Hercules was about to lose his lease and go out of business. So we took out $20,000 in credit card cash advances, walked into his store unannounced and bought every single item. You could say it brightened up his day!

Birds don't give a fuck - wii bird

Bird holding on to the cars windshield wiper


Skateboarder slams to the curb

five broken lumbar in his back