America's Got Talent - Cathy San Antonio Russian Bar
America's Got Talent - Cathy San Antonio Russian Bar - AmericazGotTalents
Praha Opening
4 way Routine with Havard (Skywalkers), Raph and Ju (Team4Speed) and Alberto (Volare) at Skydive Arena (Praha)
iPod Magic - Deceptions
Karl Germain (1878-1959) for the inspiration. David Britland for adding the magic of words, Kevin Blanc for relentlessly tweaking the motion graphics and bringing the butterflies to life, Alain Renold for making Karl smile one last time, Jojo Mayer for the wicked soundtrack. Matt, Sherry, Emily and sweet Carmen for their cameo appearances
AMAZING TALENT! Wolfman teaches wolf pup to howl
An extraordinary sequence of Wolfman teaching a very young wolf pup to howl.
Absence of the Towels
It gets the towel from the bedroom. It does this whenever it's hungover. (By overwhelming demand solo release of "Absence of the Towel."
Thirsty While Driving? Call Superman!
Driver goes into laughter after his backseat passenger surprises him by flying on out the window! Good stuff!
train vs cow
Train + Cow = Instant Hamburgers!
This cow doesn't understand that he needs to get off the tracks. The commentary by the engineer is hilarious!
Revenge! This Guy Gives His Ex-Girlfriend a Present on Her Birthday!
Probably the funniest ex-girlfriend revenge you will see. She really thinks he's given her a gift that she dance over!
greedy broad steals foul ball
this chick shoulders her way in front of a little girl, misses the ball, then steals it right outta the little girls hands. what an asshole!