DON'T SLEEP at the Comedy Show! (Mike E. Winfield)
Do NOT fall asleep at MIKE E. WINFIELD's comedy show!
Incredible Shade Illusion!
This illusion has been around for a long time but always in the form of an image. It was created by MIT professor Edward H. Adelson. I wanted to take it from a flat piece of paper and turn it into a real, life sized illusion that I could interact with to demonstrate the effect.
Star Wars Millennium Falcon - LEGO 7965
Stop motion build of the 2011 LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon set. This video was featured on Gizmodo!
Cat splash
Cat Either Loves Water or Hates Whats on the Wall!
A Cat swim and jump out of a basin to the wall!
Redneck Monster Truck Tug Of War Fail/WIN?
Big trucks battle it out in a tug o' war match
These Guys Didn't Think the Monster Struck Tug-of-War Through.
Slip n' Slip of Death Sends a Spanish Guy Flying!
Sadly he runs, slides, and has a mouthful of soggy grass fertilizer.